Thursday, April 16, 2020

Writing Essays on Shakespeare and Henry V

Writing Essays on Shakespeare and Henry VThere are various ways to use Henry V essay topics to help you with your classes. Here are some tips.First, make sure you understand the theme of the essay. You will need to be sure that the topic is one that you are comfortable with so that you can write it without much stress. But remember, Henry V is a popular figure and he is not necessarily of the same era or of the same opinion as today's students. The use of current topics will not do him justice.Second, remember that the content of the essay does not have to be identical to that of the historical lesson. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to structure a thesis statement so that you are prepared to present an argument in your essay. Use the same lessons from your other courses to create your essay. You should not change the materials used in your writing but simply adapt them to fit in Henry V.Third, research the essay as best you can. Read your own class text, look for res ources online and read scholarly essays to make sure you know what is going on. Then, look at other student essays to see what they are doing to craft their essays. It is OK to use your own ideas as long as they are not blatantly plagiarized.Fourth, don't put too much emphasis on the literary features of the text itself. The historical text is meant to provide information. Students are trying to learn. Put yourself in the students' shoes and ask yourself if the students will still be reading your essay if it were rewritten to be more academic.Fifth, use the most appropriate essay topics for your circumstances. If you are a history major who needs to be very clear and concise in order to get your point across in your class, choose something historical. If you are an English major, choose something literary. Use what fits the situation and does not require any major changes to the text itself. History and literature are easy subjects to use.Sixth, create your essay topics according to the text itself. Make sure you know the type of material you will be discussing in your essay. Use the relevant parts of the essay as the basis for the essay topic.Finally, don't feel forced to use Henry V essay topics. If you do not feel comfortable with them, choose another topic that is similar in nature.

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